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    It’s Open Season.

    Read and Listen Along  Last Thursday afternoon, on a whim I invited my sister Cece to lunch. Me and Cece have actually never gone to lunch. We are both too busy all the time from running businesses, to being mothers, partners and everything else in between. But, I listened to what felt like was right for me to do. I called Cece. And she said yes to going to my new favorite Thai place in town. I was feening for Thai Iced Tea + Drunken Noodles. Turns out the Thai place was closed, so of course I found myself twirling the aisles of TJ MAXX. Cause let’s be honest it’s…

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    Application + Implementation

    Read and listen along My absolute favorite quote from my grandmother is: “The one thing nobody can take from you is an education.” They can take away a car, a house, a man, a woman. But, nobody can take away what you know.  In conversation with a new dear friend Taylor, I received this message for the times.  The second act of what my grandmother was teaching me is application. You can have all the knowledge and know how and do nothing with it. What good is it to know something and not apply it? The rest of 2020 is about application and implementation.  The hardest part of soul work…

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    Sometimes I get weary

    Listen and Read along Last Wednesday evening, naked and wrapped in my favorite cream colored comforter, I let out a wail so deep inside I didn’t even know it existed.  It was a cosmic and euphoric cry.  All the matter had combined and compounded into a nucleus that I could not ignore.  It started the day before from a voice note from my sister Derrika. She said, “You don’t know how much you model for people that the life they desire is possible. You don’t know the magnitude of how you inspire people to move out of fear.”  I spontaneously uttered an emotional cry, “Thank you. It is lonely” So…

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    An Open Letter to my Mama on her 57th birthday

      Listen and Read along  For most of my life I have dreaded mother’s day or any holiday or birthday that reminded me of my mother. I honestly didn’t believe my mother loved me. Too many times my mother had chosen men over me and my sister, that I thought loving my mother was a lost cause.  Too much trauma had occurred from being Gwen’s daughter and yet I never wanted to be anybody else’s baby.    I look back on the fifty seven years of my mother’s life and I am glad to have known her in this lifetime.  She is the stratosphere for me on what it means…

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    God Undefined

      Listen and Read along Last night I ate watermelon for dinner and it was so full and so sweet I am convinced God was in it and my grandaddy was too. And you know what he probably was. I can never not think about my grandaddy while eating watermelon, seeing the watermelon-man on the side of the road or even piled high in the pristine aisles of the grocery store. Nowadays, watermelons give me great joy, but they also make me weep. Weep because I want to go on 27th ave and pick juicy green watermelons with my grandaddy one more time.  For many of us God showed up…

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    The Power of Surrendering

    Listen and Read along Sitting at my desk all the whispers of my life are telling me it’s time.  It’s time for us to rise up and surrender from every comfort and lean into every desire. We cannot be willing participants to the merry go round and limbo that we have chosen for ourselves.  It’s time to go. Owning your power is about surrendering to the whispers of your life. The whispers of your anointing. your call. your purpose. Surrendering is like going home to yourself. It is the tightest hug, the softest kisses, a pillow to rest your head from the storm. It is getting out into the thick…